Facebook Tip: Feel Like You're Seeing the Same Pages/Friends Posts ALL The Time? Change It.

By Nicole Fletcher

Here’s a quick Social Media How To post regarding the preferences of your news feed. I felt like I was only seeing updates from the pages and friends I interact with most and was annoyed. Isn’t the point to stay in touch with people/things I don’t always see? Anyway, here’s how you do it:

Scroll down to the bottom of your news feed  to where it says “edit options” on the right hand side. From there make the appropriate selection and you’ll be good to go!

Another Tip: How to Unlike a Page – Scroll down on the page and click unlike on the left hand side!

Final Tip: View Facebook pics the old way- when looking at pictures in the new design, simply click refresh and you’ll be able to view pictures as they once were in the good ol days…a few months ago.