Even Housekeeping Products like Tide go Social… and Mobile…

by Jonathan Marshall

iPhone applications need one characteristic to be successful and appreciated by consumers: they need to be useful and more than anything else- worth talking about.

When I read that Tide came out with an iPhone app I was quite doubtful that the company actually knew what they were doing and assumed that another enormous brand had just jumped on the social media bandwagon like everyone else.

After checking out their website and seeing how detailed their instructions were, as well as seeing how many people had already used their advice and made comments on it- I had to admit that I was wrong (not my favorite thing to do, even when it is only to myself).

The rational they use and the service they want to provide is pretty legitimate, and it’s clear that they contracted a social media expert to guide the campaign and make sure everything was being executed appropriately. Their overall goal is pretty simple and straightforward: an informative guide to stain removal, and an application that helps consumers find and share solutions for stains.

A pleasantly-surprised Thumbs up goes to Tide! Glad to see you didn’t miss the entire point and overall appeal of social media