Gatorade Mission Control: The Nerve Center for all Social Media Efforts

It’s no secret that Gatorade has all the advertising dollars in the world to spend on sponsoring top athletes and creating cutting edge, highly visible campaigns that dominate the Sports Drink market. Whether or not they are creating the most effective and efficient means of hydration, like our client Vitalyte (which we are currently in the process of re-branding), is a question we will have to put to rest until another time. All Sports Drinks can learn one thing from Gatorade however, and that is how to most effectively monitor the efficiency of their advertising expenses, from youth community training seminars with athletes to Social Media efforts such as Facebook and Twitter, Gatorade has its finger on the pulse of all activity across a broad spectrum of media avenues. The bottom line; it is all about conversions.

Introducing Gatorade Mission Control: