Google Forecasts Rain on Upcoming Facebook Parade

On the eve of the much-anticipated Facebook newsfeed redesign, Google decided to publish a redesign of its own. And when we say “redesign,” we mean adding a double-wide profile cover photo and new circular profile pic template.

Google’s strategically timed profile update proves that they’re not ready to let Facebook steamroll this week’s online buzz from marketers, nor allow Google+ to remain the afterthought it still is.

Here’s what we (and most likely your brand) woke up to this morning:

This is what we woke up to this morning.
This is what we woke up to this morning.

The new cover image allows users to use 100% more real estate at a 16×9 aspect ratio. We interpret this as Google proclaiming, “Anything you can do, I can do better…with less people.”

Additionally, there are a few new features tossed in. A new “local review” tab and simplified profile customizations that users might enjoy. Suffice it to say, it doesn’t look like the newly released features will be enough to cast a shadow on that upcoming Facebook redesign. Phew! Now, lets all get back to Facebook.