Jacob Tyler celebrates 1 year of phenomenal growth…

Seems like just yesterday Charlie and I were at an AIGA Leadership retreat (really March of 2009) joking about who was going to buy the other person out of their San Diego Advertising Agency so one of us could bask in the glow of early retirement and laugh at the other working hard to grow the business. Well… it didn’t happen as planned. But, what DID happen (and yes neither of us can believe it) was the merger that changed the landscape of both our businesses.

Van Vechten creative joined forces with Jacob Tyler Creative Group on November 1, 2009 after approximately 6 months of unsuspected, yet relatively easy negotiations. Now…since our merger, exactly 1 year later (or super close anyway), we have accomplished more than we could have hoped for and more than tripled our growth. Okay…so there are a few new announcements coming to you before year end, one of which includes our move to new office space which is quite exciting and really an AMAZING space. You’ll see!

Anyway… other than popping a new bottle of champagne, I thought I would celebrate by re-posting our original Flash announcement video. It was really fun to make and it reminds me of what a challenging time it was in our business. Here’s to many more successful years for Jacob Tyler and our friends and clients. Enjoy!