The IMPORTANT Things in Social Media…

By Nicole Fletcher

It was recently brought to my attention that perhaps not everyone cares as deeply as I do about the Death of FBML or How The 2011 Super Bowl #failed in Social Media but that’s no reason to tell me I’m not, and I quote, “covering real trends in Social Media”. Ouch. In response to this rather hurtful comment, I’ve decided to see what exactly this outsider thinks is “important” and we’ll just see if I agree.

The post accompanying this opinion was one entitled, “A Year in the life of a Geo Based Social Network Giant Foursquare- 2010 by the numbers“. A good title and a good report no doubt but as I read the 134 words in this “earth shattering” article, I’m not gona lie, my mind was not blown. I’ve been jocking foursquare since it’s start, so much so that @dens (Dennis Crowley, Co Founder and CEO of Foursquare) is a twitter follower, consistent chatter, facebook friend and oh yes, foursquare friend of mine. That being said, I know better than anyone how insane foursquare is, with its 3400% growth in one year,  over 6 million users and 381 million + checkins. Here nor there, I would assume that in my abundant list of blog posts, I would have conveyed my respect for this wondrous geo-location trend- but perhaps I need to more often. Whether or not I did in posts like 4 Things you MUST be doing in Social Media – the complaint has been duly noted so be expecting a super awesome geo location and how to work it into your marketing plan blog post in the near future. In the mean time, please visit our facebook fan page with any blog topic suggests social media, SEO, design or otherwise – I always appreciate feedback, positive or negative. : )

For the Foursquare Story, Click Here.
